" ' ##### Error message that will be displayed if not items etc ErrorMessage = "Error has occured while trying to process " &URLToRSS & "
Please contact web-master" ' ================================================ Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") xmlHttp.Open "GET", URLToRSS, false xmlHttp.Send() RSSXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.3.0") xmlDOM.async = False xmlDOM.validateOnParse = False xmlDom.resolveExternals = False If not xmlDOM.LoadXml(RSSXML) Then ErrorMessage = "Can not load XML:" & vbCRLF & xmlDOM.parseError.reason & vbCRLF & ErrorMessage End If Set xmlHttp = Nothing ' clear HTTP object Set RSSItems = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item") ' collect all "items" from downloaded RSS RSSItemsCount = RSSItems.Length-1 ' if not .. entries, then try to get .. if RSSItemsCount = -1 Then Set RSSItems = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("entry") ' collect all "entry" (atom format) from downloaded RSS RSSItemsCount = RSSItems.Length-1 End If Set xmlDOM = Nothing ' clear XML ' writing Header if RSSItemsCount > 0 then Response.Write MainTemplateHeader End If j = -1 For i = 0 To RSSItemsCount Set RSSItem = RSSItems.Item(i) ' fix for the issue when a description from a previous item ' is used if current item description is empty provided by George Sexton RSSdescription=" " RSSCommentsLink=" " for each child in RSSItem.childNodes Select case lcase(child.nodeName) case "title" RSStitle = child.text case "link" If RSSLink = "" Then If child.Attributes.length>0 Then RSSLink = child.GetAttribute("href") if (RSSLink <> "") Then if child.GetAttribute("rel") <> "alternate" Then RSSLink = "" End If End If End If ' if has attributes If RSSLink = "" Then RSSlink = child.text End If End If case "description" RSSdescription = child.text case "content" ' atom format RSSdescription = child.text case "published"' atom format RSSDate = child.text case "pubdate" RSSDate = child.text case "comments" RSSCommentsLink = child.text case "category" Set CategoryItems = RSSItem.getElementsByTagName("category") RSSCategory = "" for each categoryitem in CategoryItems if RSSCategory <> "" Then RSSCategory = RSSCategory & ", " End If RSSCategory = RSSCategory & categoryitem.text Next End Select next ' now check filter If (InStr(RSSTitle,Keyword1)>0) or (InStr(RSSTitle,Keyword2)>0) or (InStr(RSSDescription,Keyword1)>0) or (InStr(RSSDescription,Keyword2)>0) then j = J+1 if J 0 then Response.Write MainTemplateFooter else Response.Write ErrorMessage End If ' Response.End ' uncomment this for use in on-the-fly output %>

<% Response.Expires = -1 ' =========== RSS2HTML.ASP for ASP/ASP.NET ========== ' copyright 2005-2008 (c) www.Bytescout.com ' version 1.26, 28 May 2008 ' =========== configuration ===================== ' ##### URL to RSS Feed to display ######### URLToRSS = "http://bytescout.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss" ' ##### max number of displayed items ##### MaxNumberOfItems = 7 ' ##### Main template constants MainTemplateHeader = "" MainTemplateFooter = "
" ' ##### ' ###################################### Keyword1 = "" ' Keyword1 = "tech" - set non-empty keyword value to filter by this keyword Keyword2 = "" ' Keyword1 = "win" - set non-empty keyword value to filter by this 2nd keyword too ' ################################# ' ##### Item template. ' ##### {LINK} will be replaced with item link ' ##### {TITLE} will be replaced with item title ' ##### {DESCRIPTION} will be replaced with item description ' ##### {DATE} will be replaced with item date and time ' ##### {COMMENTSLINK} will be replaced with link to comments (if you use RSS feed from blog) ' ##### {CATEGORY} will be replaced with item category ItemTemplate = "